AGM 6 June 2021

Note the full minutes of meetings are circulated to all parents via Seesaw. These include a list of those attending the meeting. If you would like to attend a future meeting, please email Welcome and introductions  Stephen welcomed everyone to the meeting.  Approval of minutes and update on actions The minutes of the previous …

Parent Council 19/04/21

Welcome and introductions  Stephen welcomed everyone to the meeting. Approval of minutes and update on actions Sarah proposed minutes, Cara seconded. Payment to PA for outdoor learning: this has been completed.  Headteacher’s report  Covid guidance. There has been quite high staff absence recently due to the need to isolate while awaiting test results: this has …

PC Minutes 010221

Note: the full minutes are circulated via SeeSaw to all parents, and include a list of parents and staff who attended. If you would like to attend future Parent Council meetings, please email Welcome and introductions  Stephen welcomed everyone to the meeting. Approval of minutes and update on actions Phil proposed minutes, Stephen seconded. …

PC meeting minutes 14.09.20

This Parent Council meeting took place online, due to Covid 19 restrictions. Merryle Primary School Parent Council Meeting: minutes 14 September 2020, via Zoom Welcome, introductions, agree minute-taker Stephen welcomed all to the meeting. Carolyn Lochhead agreed to take minutes. Approval of previous minutes Minutes of previous meeting approved. Parent Council Office-bearers Stephen Bishop nominated …