The full minutes are circulated via the school’s portal to all parents and carers, including a full list of attendees and actions. If you would like to attend future Parent Council meetings or contact the Merrylee Parent Council, please do so using the contact form on this webpage.
Colette welcomed all to the meeting and outlined the format of the evening.
She handed over to Colin, PC Chair.
There are no minutes of the last meeting. Colin advised all actions would be covered throughout the course of the meeting.
Head Teacher’s report and new homework policy update
Colette gave a review of 2023/24 and the school’s vision for 2024/25 via slide powerpoint presentation.
Colette invited the Parent Forum to consider additional ways to reduce the cost of the school day.
Yla asked if the school had Reading School Accreditation. Alana advised the school did not, but she had reviewed the criteria recently, and she believed they met all the criteria required. It may be possible this year, the school will need a teacher to progress the application. School SMT will consider this.
There were parents present keen to support this if there was the opportunity.
Update on the work of the PC
Colin presented the work of the PC for the those at the meeting via slide power point presentation.
Update on the work of the PA
Clare presented an update of the PA activities.
Points to note:
Asda Rewards – opportunity for shoppers to turn rewards points into cash for the school. The PA will post information in the PA Facebook page and in class Whatsapp groups. We have already collected £140 for the school. The scheme runs September – November 2024.
Yes Day in November is similar to Break The Rules Day, and donations will be accepted for the school Winter Christmas fair in exchange for participating.
Further details are available in the PA minutes, please email if you would like a copy.
Merrylee Green Fingers is the school gardening group which supports the eco and sustainability focus of the school, by assisting with the Merrylee Urban Garden.
The group have been awarded a grant to:
– replace broken planters at the front of the school, creating a community herb and fruit garden
– buy gardening equipment, compost seeds and plants
– turf the bare ground around the trim trail at the entrance to the school garden
School family volunteers are essential to complete the works. It is a capital grant, so no scope to include labour costs. Works will mostly take place on Saturday mornings. Unspent funds will require to be returned in April 2025.
Next steps:
– create a scheduled plan of works
– assign a buyer
– inform families of volunteer times and tasks to be completed.
All parents with experience of working with wood, plants, gardening, laying turf are asked to email Colette with offers of assistance. There will also be opportunities for inexperienced volunteers to help bring the community garden to fruition
Report of PC accounts and formal approval
PC accounts were approved by Ross and seconded by Nairn.
Report of PA accounts and formal approval
PA accounts were approved by Kirsty and seconded by Nairn.
Road safety
The new Road Safety flyer was paid for by Cathcart and District Community Council, designed by children attending Fun Lodge, with the support of Merrylee PC. It has been distributed to every family attending Merrylee Primary, OLA Primary and Limetree Nursery.
Action – Merrylee PC to add to the PC Facebook page.
Action – Add digital flyer to minutes
Action – share on school digital communications.
Drivers breaking the No Drive Zone can be reported to Police Scotland by calling 111 or fill in the online form
(thanks to FC for supplying the link). The PC encourage parents to report offenders. Please note some local residents and others (public transport, emergency vehicles and others are exempt. For further details visit
All discussed the pedestrian access to the school via Newlands Tennis Club (as per agreement with Glasgow City Council when the land was sold to NTC). The route is uneven in parts and less accessible since the new car park design opened.
It was agreed Merrylee PC should review the access, and advise parents of the safest route of travel through the car park.
There are 4 new Junior Road safety officers in school. Neighbourhood and Regeneration Services are delivering workshops regarding road safety. Colette will not be asking pupils to assist with stopping drivers breaking the No Drive Zone due to the reactions of drivers.
Merrylee Pitch replacement
As per previous PC minutes 03.06.24, Merrylee pitch is in a state of significant disrepair and needs full replacement.
Ross attended the Glasgow City Council – Newlands Auldburn – Area Partnership Fund meeting, to request Merrylee Pitch be considered for funding via the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Fund (NIF). The committee agreed for Merrylee pitch replacement to be costed up, alongside other proposed projects. The NIF could potentially pay for half the expected £240k cost. The PC Merrylee Pitch sub group would then seek match funding to complete the project. GCC Councillor Sean Ferguson will keep Ross updated.
Merrylee Pitch Replacement is an agenda item at the next Cathcart and District Community Council meeting. Ross and Yla attend and represent Merrylee PC. They will feed back developments and discussions to Merrylee PC.
The Merrylee pitch Replacement sub group will call a meeting in the next month to review agreed actions, update sub group members and consider their next steps.
Everyone agreed to keep momentum and focus on this, and it is important to the school and the wider community.
Merrylee FC
Merrylee FC is seeking volunteers for the Saturday football sessions on Saturday mornings. Ross and team have a volunteer rota with parents / carers helping on the pitch or with registration. All interested should contact Ross.
Merrylee Music
A group of parents are keen to re-introduce a love of music to Merrylee. Musical teachers have retired, however there are engaged musical parents, who are keen to share their time and skills, and engage in fundraising. James will attend the next Merrylee PA meeting for discussion on fundraising activities and which bank account the funds could be collected in. Proposed activity to engage a music professional would be £4.5k.
Fundraising will be required. This could include:
Bag packing in supermarkets; singing in shopping centres, or at Central Station; in-school events; sponsorship to compete in an external event; ‘Come and Sing’ events; evening fundraiser for parents.
Alana encouraged the group to help find a musical parent to run a Merrylee Choir this year.
Principal Teacher Alana updated on Merrylee Expressive Arts:
P4 (and potentially another year group) will be working with Beat Buddies.
Alana will be running a ‘Show Group’ for P6 & P7 pupils on Thursday lunchtimes. Details of auditions and activities for Show Group will be shared in due course. There are lots of opportunities to be explored and is an exciting new development for the school.
Senior teaching staff have engaged with Hillpark Secondary’s Expressive Arts teacher. Hillpark have a great stage, lighting and expressive arts programme. Alana is discussing potential engagement with Hillpark Expressive Arts
Feedback boards and communications
The flip charts were useful in capturing (1) PA members’ events aspirations for the coming year (2) the items on the PC agenda. Parents were asked to tick their preferences or add new ideas at the Meet the Teacher evening, and at the PC AGM. The charts are typed up and accompany these minutes as an appendix. The PC will review feedback and include points raised in future meetings.
Parent Council – proposal of new office bearers and formal approval
Colin stepped down from the role of PC Chair.
Yla stepped down from the role of PC Interim Secretary.
Laura has already stepped down as PC Treasurer.
Colette and Clare had one note of interest for each of the PC roles:
PC Chair – Dawn was proposed by Yla and seconded by Colin
PC Treasurer – Graham was proposed by Ross and seconded by Dawn
PC Secretary – Ellie was proposed by Clare and seconded by Julia
All at the meeting were in favour of the new appointments. We welcome their commitment and look forward to supporting them in their roles.
Parent Association office bearers update
The Office Bearer roles were discussed at the PA meeting on 28 August 2024.
PA Chair – Clare will continue in role.
PA Secretary – Elena offered to take on PA Secretary after the PA Meeting, thus appointment was taking place at the PC AGM. Elena was proposed by Clare, seconded by Kirsty
PA Treasurer – Laura (not present at this point of the meeting) will remain in post. The PA will continue to recruit for a PA Treasurer and PA Treasurer support.
Clare thanked Julia and Yla for interim cover of PA Secretary role June to September.
Yla noted outstanding items from previous meetings will be noted for inclusion in next meeting. This includes: school vandalism; and outdoor classroom.
Date of next meeting
PC Chair Dawn will meet with Colette to discuss next date and advise the Parent Forum.