The full minutes are circulated via the school’s portal to all parents and carers, including a full list of attendees and actions. If you would like to attend future Parent Council meetings or contact the Merrylee Parent Council, please do so using the contact form on this webpage.
Dawn, Parent Council Chair welcomed everyone and the new parent council officer bearers introduced themselves
Minutes from the AGM on 9th September were proposed by Clare and seconded by Nairn
Actions from AGM minutes of 9th September
Reading School Accreditation in progress
Information on the Asda Rewards Cashpot for schools scheme, running un1l the end of November was shared throughout the parent / carer community, as a passive way of raising money for the school if shopping in Asda.
School vandalism
This was raised only as outstanding from previous meetings.
No major incidents had been reported recently and so it was agreed that the PC will continue to monitor this with the school and if it becomes an issue an ac1on plan would be priori1sed at a future meeting.
Headteacher Update
There are now PA and PC tabs within the Parental Involvement section of the school website and key information will be uploaded here.
The Standards and Quality Report for 2023/2024 showed that attainment levels have dropped a little from the school’s results in 2018/19, particularly in reading and writing.
The school is continuing to assess what factors might be involved in this and how to improve this while keeping a focus on the whole pedagogy.
It was noted that Paired reading and the programme Reading for dogs are already being utilised. Reading recovery will be coming back.
The school is using new books, which are taking a bit of time to familiarise with and utilise in the same way as the previous books and so this will improve and be built back up.
Dawn asked about parents and carers being giving more guidance on reading now that there isn’t take home reading. Colette said that the old reading scheme will be used for reading at home as required
Colette and Catriona were asked if they would use audiobooks in school. They stated that these would be hard to use in class, but teachers recommend using these at home as models of good rhythm of language and accentuation.
Reading workshops were discussed as a good idea to utilise.
There was a discussion around reading aloud. Colette advised that reading aloud was more focussed during topics and through finding ways to support reading in pairs or small groups. It was also noted that choral reading is used in the school.
Parent Council Priorities for the year
PC priorities for the year were outlined at detailed below. There were agreed with Colette and were informed by feedback from the flip charts displayed at Meet the Teacher evening – where Parents / carers were encouraged to tick their favourites from a list of AGM Agenda items and / or add new ideas
Dawn suggested that having champions to look after each priority would be a good way forward.
Road safety (wrapping in access via Newlands Tennis Club)
It was noted that there had been a heightened focus following the accident with the lollipop person last year. Cathcart and District Community Council (CDCC) are helping to implement the slow school zone on the roads around where the accident occurred, but that this still hasn’t happened.
PC are to help action this with GCC.
The potential of forming a subgroup that focuses on road safety was discussed, and within this compiling an assessment which might tally the number of cars, registrations of cars continually in the car free zones, etc. to highlight the issue further and to get the community police officers to attend was much needed. This should be put to the parent and carer community to see if anyone would be able to take this on.
It was noted that P6 road safety reps try to raise awareness.
Dawn suggested that the 3 adjacent educational facilities- Merrylee, Limetree and OLA should collectively join forces to have a stronger effect.
Newlands Tennis Club carpark access was discussed and the advantage of making a path for safer access to the school. This is to be discussed with the tennis club.
Pitch Replacement
Update from the last CDCC meeting is that the plan is to still seek 50% of the funds needed from the Area Partnership Fund funding via the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Fund (NIF).
In order to apply for these funds, the school needs to highlight and justify the community benefit, demonstrating the weight of the need beyond the school and into the wider community.
PC will lead on the consultation and impact assessment.
Letters of support from the community groups and organisations that use or benefit from the pitch should be sought.
The next CDCC next meeting is on 23rd October and they will add the replacement of the new Merrylee pitch on to their tally to assess the priority level amongst the wider community, following the outcome of this the next steps will be determined.
The next Newlands Auldburn – Area Partnership meeting was in November. The PC Merrylee Pitch sub group will be in attendance.
We are waiting for the pitch replacement to be costed officially.
PC are to ask local councillors to come to future meetings that focus on pitch replacement and road safety.
Colette noted that Pupil Voice were collecting all the children’s views on the ways they use the pitch to help outline its benefit to the children directly. It was agreed that the children should also ask their classmates what would happen if they couldn’t use the pitch.
School Garden & Outdoor Classroom
Colette updated that they have one volunteer coming in over October week to remove the organic roof.
The school are waiting for GCC cost to replace the roof. PC will help write a letter to push this forward.
Merrylee Greenfingers grant
Outline plan of the next steps was highlighted in the last AGM.
Yla advised that the group would meet the school’s Eco champion, Mrs Allinson to discuss the ways the grant can support outdoor learning.
All funds need to be spent by March and that the new turfing will be the last to be done before the Spring holidays.
It was agreed that the PC would manage the grant payments so that items can be bought.
It was discussed whether the sub-group Merrylee Greenfingers should work more within PC than the PA as they are currently, this is to be discussed in relation to comms.
Parent consultation and Engagement
It was acknowledged that while there was a reasonable spread of representation by parents/ carers at the meeting from across the year groups, not all years and/ or class were represented. It was felt the school community would benefit from more increased attendance at PC meetings. Links to view meeting minutes and agendas would be able to be posted to what’s app groups by those represented.
Colette noted that Pupil Voice would be coming to future PC meeting.
Comms was discussed more generally and how to effectively manage/ streamline the areas, which currently include Facebook, PC website, class what’s app.
It was mentioned that it would be useful for the PC priorities/ flip chart items that were displayed at Meet the Teacher evening to be made into digital surveys to enhance parental engagement and input.
It was also noted that the flip charts could be put out again at the forthcoming Parents Evening.
Defibrillator installation
Colette advised that the school is waiting for GCC to install the defibrillator. PC will write to GCC to try and move forwards.
Merrylee Music
Music Dress-Up Day happening on Friday 4th Oct. Stickers have been made to give to the children on the day and reminders of the day will come out later in the week.
Parents will also be coming in on Friday to play music and for the children to experiment.
The voice project is being booked for a P1-3 programme
P4 and 5 are doing Beat Buddies, and P6 and 7 are doing ‘Show Group’ led by Miss Murray
Scottish Ballet and Opera provide online resources that could be used in class and that these would be shared to teachers.
Pantos for this year are to be booked.
PA Update
A detailed update was provided at the recent AGM and so Clare provided an outline on PA activities since then:
Seasonal Products – the Christmas card templates will be in classes soon, and there will be a quick turn around on ordering.
Halloween disco tickets for the disco will be out next week.
PA are busy planning for the winter fair, and will be calling out for volunteer helpers soon.
PC treasury report
The new PC have not yet got full access as they are very newly appointed and so PC Treasurer will be able to provide a full update in the next PC meeting.
Farzana asked about the Amazon gift list sent by the school and noted that there seemed to be a £30 minimum order plus delivery costs. This is to be looked into.
It was asked if the link could be clickable for the Amazon gift list as currently the link cannot be clicked on or copied as it appears in the parents portal.
It was asked if the same idea could be utilised on other websites, i.e. Ebay.
Date for next meeting
Monday 18th November 6:30pm